Sunday, November 14, 2010


It's almost the end of the year. I'm super far behind with our Christmas cards- I've usually done the picture, designed and ordered them by now. Not this year.
But it has got me thinking about my yearly goals- where I've been and where I'm going.
What about you?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How I Love Thee, Oh Groupon!

Are you familiar with Groupon? It's on online form of "coupon" which you subscribe to by city and ta different retailer has a coupon good for that day. I have gotten some deals, but the main thing is, I get to try a retailer I probably would not have considered. Here are some examples:
Good deals:
Belmont Ice Rink for $5
Gap- $25 for $50 gift card
Peninsula Beauty Supply $15 for $30 gift card
Mariner's Point golf 1/2 off

New Experiences:
Cassis Boutique in Palo Alto
Bella Boutique in San Jose
Oceanic Foot Spa

Oceanic Foot Spa, in Foster City- I got a 1 hour foot massage for $15. Well, they ask you to "tip" there for another $15, but it was well worth it. It was an interesting experience- for an about 20 minutes my scalp and shoulders were massaged while my feet soaked in hot water. Then my feet were oiled and rubbed for 20 minutes. Then I had a clothed massage (like the type you might get at a mall), finished with hot rose tea.
I also bought a whale watching trip and a photography session. Can't wait!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Apparently if you tweet, you can get messages: trending...
I have a Twitter account but don't Tweet. It's like FB- I had an early account, cuz I'm super cool like that, but now don't FB at all.
Anyway, trending is kinda neat though, so I decided to share with you my current random "trending":

In List:
leg warmers
nordstrom mod card
dangly necklaces
perfumed shower gel and matching body lotion
pony tail/twisty messy bun/get my hair outta my face
house slippers
cleaning out closets
chocolate salted caramels
new blackberry
walking the dish

Still In List:
bar method
trashy romance novels: reading and writing
don henley
mac makeup
the barn
mexican coke
banana republic sales

Out List:
child protective services
j crew
soccer practice
small cars
halloween candy (as in out the door to Hubs office)
reading blackberry manual to learn how to turn it on
halloween decor (miss my witches)
christmas decor too early
dalai (r.i.p.)
the vet
new pets/horses/hobbies
the garage
garage organizing salesmen