Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Galaxy Far Far Away

So much and so exciting:
Here are a few pics

Mandalorians galore!

Gammorean guards:

Death Star:

Sith Lords:

was exhausting. I needed the Bacta tank:

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

A New Hope

Do you ever do
something despite not wanting to? I don't mean stuff like taxes. Nobody wants to do I mean something that you want to but it makes you nervous because you're just not quite sure?
Maybe something like jumping over an obstacle for no good reason on a running horse you ask?
Uhm, maybe?
Today I'm on my way to a con- Celebration VI, the Star Wars con.
I'm not quite sure what to expect, other than adding to my Star Wars T-shirt collection.
I'm also going to be wearing my FanGirl blogger hat and interviewing Drew Karpyshyn, whose book, Revan, got me into the whole MMO thing...
So here I go! They've got the tractor beam on me. I hope this will be fun!
Stay tuned...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Visitor I Least Like Coming By...

I know you think it's my mother in law.
But it's not.
Not my parents either.
Nor that Frenemy we all seem to know.
              it's the Home Appraiser.
He or she, various ages and sizes he/she comes in, looks at everything with Hercule Poirot intensity, and often, eccentricity.
You can't close the door and hide the various messy rooms- he'll go in there...
You can't shove everything into the closet-he may open that door...
You can't hide it in the garage-he'll measure it...

So I do my best to catch the largest dust bunnies, turn on all the lights and candles, shove things in drawers and bake.
Are we having a party, Papoose wants to know?
Umm, no.
But at least when he leaves, I do get to celebrate a clean house and chocolate chip cookies.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

And catch me at FanGirl Blog

Where I interview Shelly Shapiro, the editor who has done Heir To the Empire Star Wars books (as well as many, many others) and the Dragon Riders of Pern series.

The intro is here:

You have to click on "interview" to get to the actual interview or this:

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Always On My Mind...

What would you see as you drove by here?

See the white dots on that railroad bridge?

They looked like Stormtroopers to me.
I know I have an overactive imagination.
I know, I promised it wasn't go to be all about Star Wars here any more.
I didn't say anything to the familia the first two times as we drove back from visiting the in laws in CT.
Then as we approached again, I asked them in my I know you are going to think I'm crazy voice if they saw what I was seeing.
So Hubs actually got off the freeway, to the consternation of the GPS and drove back around :

The good news: Star Wars may be on my mind... But there are Stormtroopers on that bridge!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Middletown, CT

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Will this work?

So I'm trying an experiment...blogging from my phone.
The iPhone and I have a somewhat codependent relationship...
The Mac, from which I generally blog from, more functional. When I'm busy, I don't spend much time with Mac, therefore don't blog too much.
But this...
Well if it works, maybe I will conquer Twitter next!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Wow, I've been tardy, or excuses spread over three posts

Well, I've been busy, but we all say that, don't we?
My current excuse is that I am busy rescuing orphans....
Luxury handbag orphans, that is. I know, I know, they seem like they do just fine, all polished and displayed at Bloomingdale's or Nordstrom or even Neiman Marcus, but the truth is, these poor babies are just getting basic care, there...they aren't cherished, or loved, or made to feel special.
Thus, i find it my duty, to rescue these precious snips of hand crafted, artisanal leather, whenever time and budget allow...and then there are there cousins, the dear, lonely, lovely shoes...especially the lone pairs on sale racks...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Catch me at Fangirl...

Where I review the new Star Wars book released today (yes, I had a pre-release version, how cool is that?)

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Catch at Fangirl, thinking about the good ole days...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Yup, Those French

They got it right. Last month, after an overindulgence at Christmas...that left me digging in the Goodwill pile for the pants that had gotten too loose...
I decided for January, the only liquids I would imbibe would be water, seltzer, plain coffee and soymilk. Or a mixture of, but hopefully not all at once.
I didn't do any other calorie counting.  And I cheated- once with a glass of red wine, and twice with hot chocolate.
And last week, I tried on my skinnier pants- they fit!
So the French were right!
So of course, what have I done? 2 Chocolate milkshakes, people! Coke at the movie theatre!!
Guess what I'll probably be doing in March!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Seriously, Stop Your Good Intentions...

It's getting in the way to my Precor machine. Not you, of course, just those strangers I never saw at the gym until the second week of January, who make just getting a Precor a competitive sport.
Like it's not enough just to go to the gym as it, all the familiars (the people I saw from at least October) and I are battling the January newbies for space...and usual spots. You know, the usual area you use in the locker, your usual machine, the familiar strangers you work out with...

So let's see, I haven't posted my 2012 Resolutions, partly because I haven't sat down and made a full list, but here are a few:

Last year, I was able to run 3 miles in 40 minutes. I know real runners would laugh at that, but it was a huge accomplishment for me. This year, I'd like to run 3 miles in 30 minutes. I have hope because I did 3 miles in 38 minutes today, when I finally got my paws and peds on the Precor.

I'd like to consistently do cardio 3 times a week. Right now I do manage that, but it's two light cardio days with weights and one heavy cardio day...I'd like to do 3 heavy cardio days to reach my 30 minute goal. But I'll start with 2 weight/light cardio and 2 heavy cardio days.

I would like to learn to smoothly spin  the bo staff with two hands and also with each hand alone, Darth Maul style. Learn 2 bo staff forms. Maybe do a competition. Move up to blue belt, and blue with green stripe if not by December, then by next February.  We've decided to go to China with the karate school to do our black belt tests with the Shaolin monks- maybe 2015? (I know, lofty goals, but with longer term goals, might as well make them big...then make the smaller ones bite sized)

One of my goals last year was to be done with back pain- I went through a lot for that, two courses of PT, chiropracter and an aggressive epidural.  I have to be very careful. This year, I'd like to trail ride- just walking on a horse, without pain.

Last year, I participated in NaNoWriMon (National Novel Writing Month) in November- I wrote 50,000 words in a month- the standard length of a novel- this year, I'd like the words to actually tell a cohesive story! And thank you all for encouraging me to write. It means a lot, especially when it's tough to write!

I did a lot to purge my closet last year; this year, I want to keep my closet ruthlessly lean. Get rid of clothes that don't love me back. There's no room for them. Mentally or physically.  That also means, everything that comes in has to work hard for room and board.

I'm playing an MMO for the very first time, so I'd like to take my two main characters to the end- level 50 by the end of the year.

I still need to work on some more goals: work, art, blogging. So stay tuned for more.

My word for the year? It's still between go and choosy. Any thoughts?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Walk the Talk, Baby

I was talking to Rainbow Brite about the whole French and food thing. I was thinking about our conversation later because I was eating an ice cream sandwich. A S'more sandwich, from Trader Joe's to be exact. I had eaten exactly half of it, standing up in the kitchen.
Not very French of me. So I stopped mindlessly eating it and put in a cup of tea- the very American way of heating the water in the microwave- two minutes, for this particular mug- and sat down at the dining table to eat my ice cream sandwich consciously, for at least two minutes. I mean if you are going to ingest 250 calories, it should take at least two minutes, right? I certainly can meditate for two minutes, right?
It was hard. My eyes kept darting towards magazines, towards the microwave timer. You'd think that I could focus for two lousy minutes on the pure pleasure of eating ice cream, wouldn't you?
Then as I was finishing the ice cream, just as the two minutes was up, I realized something. It was so utterly crazy, I nearly choked on the last bit of graham flavored cookie crust. I couldn't focus on it, because you know what? That ice cream sandwich was just mediocre. Here I thought I was getting this yummy treat- 250 calories (that's 30 minutes on the Precor, peeps- 30 minutes of elevated heart rate and sweat) for something so mediocre, that when I sat down to truly devote time to eating half of it, it couldn't sustain my attention!
It was mind boggling. So now, not only will I need to think about eating slowly and mindfully, but I'll have to think about how much pleasure it gives me. I have to walk my talk.
Trust me, Trader Joe's S'mores ice cream sandwiches are not worth 30 minutes with the Precor, no matter how much I rock out on iTunes.
Maybe I'll have better luck with an It's-It.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Post Holiday Bulge, A La Francaise

I indulged more than I thought during the holidays because I actually had to go to the garage and pull out a pair of black pants that had been to big from the Goodwill pile.
Normally, this would have sent me straight to Mrs. Fields, but something I learned reading all those French books was that gaining weight periodically is expected by the French...if you go up a couple of kilos (and two kilos sounds so  much better than several pounds, right?) you just un-indulge for the next few weeks- no big deal. No drama.
Start the day with a glass of hot water infused with a fresh lemon. Have soup, the clear broth kind. Walk a bit more. Et voila!
Life really is a bit better the French soon as I can return my pants to the Goodwill pile.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

One thing I really enjoy about this blog (most of the time) is the ability to go back and enjoy the comments I've shared with you in the past.
2011 started off with some trash talking Rainbow Brite about riding goals- which sadly I did not meet but ended up with some interesting riding resolutions for this year-
and a list of other resolutions that ended up working out pretty well-
health, home and work resolutions. Some which I had forgotten I had made, but still managed to achieve anyway!
There was more Don Henley, some riding, a chunk of (spine) rehab, lots of travel, a dash of French philosophy, Mexican Coco Cola, much more hanging out with friends- as well as making new ones- and a galaxy of Star Wars in 2011!
In 2011 i signed up for an e course, "One Simple Word"- you had to pick a word and reflect on it monthly in a journal- I didn't keep a journal, but I did pick a word: "do" and it did define the year for me- I "did" a lot of things I never thought I would- and I'm pleasantly surprised where the word "do" has led me.
What about you?
Did you make resolutions last year? Are you making any this year? I'm still making the list...
Will you pick a word for 2012? I'm still thinking about mine.