Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Visitor I Least Like Coming By...

I know you think it's my mother in law.
But it's not.
Not my parents either.
Nor that Frenemy we all seem to know.
              it's the Home Appraiser.
He or she, various ages and sizes he/she comes in, looks at everything with Hercule Poirot intensity, and often, eccentricity.
You can't close the door and hide the various messy rooms- he'll go in there...
You can't shove everything into the closet-he may open that door...
You can't hide it in the garage-he'll measure it...

So I do my best to catch the largest dust bunnies, turn on all the lights and candles, shove things in drawers and bake.
Are we having a party, Papoose wants to know?
Umm, no.
But at least when he leaves, I do get to celebrate a clean house and chocolate chip cookies.

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