Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Walk the Talk, Baby

I was talking to Rainbow Brite about the whole French and food thing. I was thinking about our conversation later because I was eating an ice cream sandwich. A S'more sandwich, from Trader Joe's to be exact. I had eaten exactly half of it, standing up in the kitchen.
Not very French of me. So I stopped mindlessly eating it and put in a cup of tea- the very American way of heating the water in the microwave- two minutes, for this particular mug- and sat down at the dining table to eat my ice cream sandwich consciously, for at least two minutes. I mean if you are going to ingest 250 calories, it should take at least two minutes, right? I certainly can meditate for two minutes, right?
It was hard. My eyes kept darting towards magazines, towards the microwave timer. You'd think that I could focus for two lousy minutes on the pure pleasure of eating ice cream, wouldn't you?
Then as I was finishing the ice cream, just as the two minutes was up, I realized something. It was so utterly crazy, I nearly choked on the last bit of graham flavored cookie crust. I couldn't focus on it, because you know what? That ice cream sandwich was just mediocre. Here I thought I was getting this yummy treat- 250 calories (that's 30 minutes on the Precor, peeps- 30 minutes of elevated heart rate and sweat) for something so mediocre, that when I sat down to truly devote time to eating half of it, it couldn't sustain my attention!
It was mind boggling. So now, not only will I need to think about eating slowly and mindfully, but I'll have to think about how much pleasure it gives me. I have to walk my talk.
Trust me, Trader Joe's S'mores ice cream sandwiches are not worth 30 minutes with the Precor, no matter how much I rock out on iTunes.
Maybe I'll have better luck with an It's-It.

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