It's getting in the way to my Precor machine. Not you, of course, just those strangers I never saw at the gym until the second week of January, who make just getting a Precor a competitive sport.
Like it's not enough just to go to the gym as it, all the familiars (the people I saw from at least October) and I are battling the January newbies for space...and usual spots. You know, the usual area you use in the locker, your usual machine, the familiar strangers you work out with...
So let's see, I haven't posted my 2012 Resolutions, partly because I haven't sat down and made a full list, but here are a few:
Last year, I was able to run 3 miles in 40 minutes. I know real runners would laugh at that, but it was a huge accomplishment for me. This year, I'd like to run 3 miles in 30 minutes. I have hope because I did 3 miles in 38 minutes today, when I finally got my paws and peds on the Precor.
I'd like to consistently do cardio 3 times a week. Right now I do manage that, but it's two light cardio days with weights and one heavy cardio day...I'd like to do 3 heavy cardio days to reach my 30 minute goal. But I'll start with 2 weight/light cardio and 2 heavy cardio days.
I would like to learn to smoothly spin the bo staff with two hands and also with each hand alone, Darth Maul style. Learn 2 bo staff forms. Maybe do a competition. Move up to blue belt, and blue with green stripe if not by December, then by next February. We've decided to go to China with the karate school to do our black belt tests with the Shaolin monks- maybe 2015? (I know, lofty goals, but with longer term goals, might as well make them big...then make the smaller ones bite sized)
One of my goals last year was to be done with back pain- I went through a lot for that, two courses of PT, chiropracter and an aggressive epidural. I have to be very careful. This year, I'd like to trail ride- just walking on a horse, without pain.
Last year, I participated in NaNoWriMon (National Novel Writing Month) in November- I wrote 50,000 words in a month- the standard length of a novel- this year, I'd like the words to actually tell a cohesive story! And thank you all for encouraging me to write. It means a lot, especially when it's tough to write!
I did a lot to purge my closet last year; this year, I want to keep my closet ruthlessly lean. Get rid of clothes that don't love me back. There's no room for them. Mentally or physically. That also means, everything that comes in has to work hard for room and board.
I'm playing an MMO for the very first time, so I'd like to take my two main characters to the end- level 50 by the end of the year.
I still need to work on some more goals: work, art, blogging. So stay tuned for more.
My word for the year? It's still between go and choosy. Any thoughts?