Sunday, January 10, 2010


There are a few magic numbers in life. When tasks get set to them, they seem easier to accomplish. I can do just about anything for fifteen minutes, and strangely, when I limit myself to that much time, I usually get the task, usually procrastinatingly odious, done.
It takes thirty days to make a habit.
It takes ten thousand hours- or about ten years, to make an expert.
My Bro said he lost twenty five pounds over the past eight months, but it took him four before he could really discern results. I went to Bar Method three times last week, rode three times and did cardio twice. (The third day of riding was great, even if I was pretty tired, I felt more confident. But I felt as if my legs were just rubbery with fatigue all of Friday) Four months is daunting, even to an optimistic planner like me.
But I started to think about it, and came up with forty eight. A nice number. On the short half of one hundred. Two days. A TV series. Doing the Bar Method three times a week for sixteen weeks was going to class forty eight times. And I've already done three. Forty eight times of riding over sixteen weeks, and I've already done three. Forty eight sessions of cardio maybe harder, but I'm hoping to add cardio to a day I ride or a day I go to Bar. (So far: Mon-Bar, Tues-Cardio, Wed- Bar& Ride, Th-Ride, Fri-Bar, Ride, Sat-Rest, Sun-Cardio)
And not shopping has been easier than I thought. I did have to go to Target for restocking the medicine cabinet with items not at Costco. (Papoose will only take grape flavored Motrin. Why fight a sick kid with orange flavor? It's just asking for trouble.) I stayed true to my task with the exception of an American Girl doll outfit ($17- compared to the $40 one in the catalog), three sticker books from the dollar bin($3) and ribbon (0.30) from the Christmas leftovers. A well spent $20. It wasn't as tempting as I thought it would have been, but I was sucked into browsing for some time. HUbs will come with me next time. Or I will set a fifteen minute timer.
Anyway, for my forty eight sessions of Bar, Riding and Cardio, I'm keeping a post it count down pad. I used to do this studying for finals, for reviewing chapters, etc. It's very satisfying to peel off the posties.
Wish me luck, tomorrow is post it 45!

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